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World's Biggest Scientific Experminet

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This Wednesday, when you might sitting quietly on your sofa watching something just to pass your time, the few will be conducting the World's Biggest Experiment. The aim of the experiment being to find out the God inside us, i.e. to find the "GOD PARTICLE".

The cost of the experiment is estimated to be a huge $7.7 billion in quest to see what happened after a fraction of second of the mighty BIG-BANG, the birth of universe and provide some of the vital clues of the basic building blocks of life.The experiment will be conducted by a well know Physicist Lyn Evans, dubbed Evans the Atom, will this week switch on a giant particle accelerator designed to unlock the secrets of the Big Bang.On wednesday, he will fire up the Large Hadron Collider, a 17-mile-long doughnut-shaped tunnel that will smash sub-atomic particles together at nearly the speed of light.

It will track the particles that are sprayed out after collision in search of theoretical entity that is supposed to lend or provide weight to all the elementary particles and so important is the discovery of this particle that it has been colled the GOD PARTICLE. And if the scientists are able to find it, they may solve various mysteries of universe like the so called Dark Matter and various other mysteries that have occupied their mind for long. However, if the critics are to believed, this endeavor to find the God Particle and witness what happened a fraction of second after the Big Bang may bring the world to it's end by creating a shower of unstable blackholes that would slowly eat up the earth. Also feard is a massive change in climate leading to what is reffered as Biblical armagedon.


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